最新更新时间:2021-01-18 18:11:56

Lab manager position in the lab of Dr. Nikos

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  • 1人


Lab manager position in t




咨询/法律/教育/科研 -科研 -科研人员




The Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology (CEBSIT, http://english.cebsit.cas.cn/) formerly known as the Institute of Neuroscience (ION) is a cross-disciplinary, multi-institutional organization that aims to consolidate existing research strength of CAS laboratories via the formation of collaborative research teams. These teams will address major frontier questions in brain science as well as in intelligence technology that involves brain-inspired computing methods and devices.
  Now a lab manager position is open in the Laboratory of Physiology of Cognitive Processes, led by world-renown neuroimaging expert Dr. Nikos Logothetis. Dr. Logothetis is the co-director of the recently established International Center for Primate Brain Research. The mission of his department is to understand the neural basis underlying conscious perception. Using the auditory and visual sensory modalities as models, his team investigates where sensory objects are encoded in the primate brain, how they are represented by neuronal activity; and how this representation is shaped by learning. To do so, his team assesses neuronal activity at different spatiotemporal scales using methods like intracortical recordings, optical imaging and high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In addition, to studying the neural code underlying perception, his work also serves to improve our understanding of what different methodologies, such as functional imaging, electro-encephalography or the firing of individual neurons tell us about each other and about brain function.


Position Description:
1.The candidate will be responsible for all aspects of laboratory management, including lab personnel management and training, equipment and reagent purchasing and maintenance and travel arrangement for lab personnel.
2.The candidate will be responsible for the management of all lab resources in order to ensure a highly efficient lab operation.
3.The candidate will be responsible for handling any other lab-related matters that PI sees appropriate, including accommodating visiting scientists and students, coordinating with other labs for equipment usage and sharing, etc.


  1.A bachelor’s degree (or higher) in neuroscience, biology, medical physics or a related field is required.
  2. Excellent speaking, reading and writing skills in both Chinese and English.
  3.Good communication and interpersonal skills are required.
  4.Proficiency in using basic computer programs including office software.
  5.Able to work independently and efficiently, with good work ethics and team work spirit.
  6.Previous experience in a lab managerial position is preferable but not required.

To Apply:
Please send your CV to hr@ion.ac.cn and abchen@ion.ac.cn (Please note the position you applying in the email subject). Position will remain open until filled.


上海市- 上海市 - 徐汇区



作为推动新千年基础科学研究的重要战略步骤和作为知识创新工程中的一个试点,中国科学院于1999年11月27日成立了神经科学研究所。神经科学研究所致力于神经科学基础研究的各个领域,包括分子、细胞和发育神经生物学、系统和认知神经科学科学、以及脑疾病机理和诊治手段研发。研究所的宗旨是建立一个现代化研究所的机制,提供一个有助于严谨科研工作,高效科研产出,良性科研合作的环境,实现以业绩为准的激励和资助评估系统,以及为研究生和博士后提供高质量的专业训练。2020年3月,在原神经科学研究所基础上,中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心由中编办批准设立为独立法人研究机构。 脑智卓越中心现有45个独立的研究组,研究员及正高级工程技术人员48人,中国科学院院士2人,在职职工和研究生共计800余人。每个研究组由不超过五名的工作人员与数目不等的研究生和博士后组成。许多研究组与国内外的同行有合作研究,长期合作者被聘为脑智卓越中心的客座研究员。中国科学院、国家科技部、基金委等对单位的资助,使研究人员的经费和仪器设备已达到国际前沿机构的水平。由著名神经科学家组成的国际顾问委员会和评审委员会,定期为脑智卓越中心的体制机制、科研工作提供建议,对提高单位的整体科研水平起了积极的推动作用。 脑智卓越中心独立承担科技部973计划2项(结题验收为优秀),牵头承担重大科学问题导向项目1项,重大科学研究计划若干项;牵头承担中国科学院战略性先导专项“脑功能联结图谱与类脑智能研究”(2017年结题)、2018年获升级版支持。拥有国家自然科学基金委员会创新研究群体2个(1项获三期延续支持),杰出青年基金获得者11人。成立至今,获得国家自然科学二等奖2项,中国科学院杰出科技成就奖(集体)1项,两项成果入选“中国科学十大进展”。2017年11月,成功攻克了体细胞克隆猴这一世界性难题,为建立脑图谱研究工具猴和脑疾病模型猴提供了核心技术,为我国科学家在“全脑介观神经联接图谱”国际大科学计划中取得主导地位奠定了基础。 脑智卓越中心拥有优良的实验环境和支撑条件,依托神经科学研究所的神经科学国际重点实验室(2009年成立)在科技部2012、2017两次五年评估均为我国所有神经科学相关国家重点实验室中居首位。脑智卓越中心建有光学成像平台、电镜技术平台、分子细胞技术平台、脑影像中心等公用平台、非人灵长类研究平台(苏州和上海九亭),已发展为国际著名、体量水平为国内领先的神经科学研究平台;脑智卓越中心以克隆猴技术为先导,正在上海松江建立“G60脑智科创基地”、“国际灵长类脑研究中心”、“上海脑科学与类脑研究中心(松江基地)”和“中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心(上海松江)”等研究单元,承接国家创新2030重大科技项目“脑科学与类脑研究(中国脑计划)”,为松江建设成为长三角地区脑科学与智能领域新高地、以及上海建设成为全球影响力的科创中心做出贡献。

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